Thursday, July 28, 2011

Checking in from the Pacific NW after making across the scorched Midwest during the heatwave.
Got to visit great friends and family along the way but now need to settle down and work for about 6 months, in the Port Angeles area.

If you haven't ever seen Crater Lake Oregon, it is a beautiful, serene place. There were big mounds of snow throughout the campgrounds on July 20th!
Stays cool there and the rim drive is so worth the trip.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back on the road again

I'll be heading West the end of June after a wonderful time with kids and grandkids in Atlanta and a visit to old friends at Hospice of the Upstate in Anderson, SC.

Now returning to NM and then a visit in Imperial Beach, CA, south of San Diego to see another friend before heading up the coast to SFO, Oakland,and Petaluma to see son, Brett and brothers.

I plan to stay on the Olympic Peninsula, around Port Angeles for 5-6 months to work and get ahead in $$ to travel again....anyone want to join me? I'll post pics.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello again dear friends! I've been hunkered down in Silver City, NM since last November; really loved the small town and great campground within walking distance of all the good restaurants and terrific art galleries. It's tucked away in the SW corner of the state which protects it from big tourist crowds and from severe weather. We got about 3 meager snows and only a couple weeks below freezing. It's also cooler in the summer, being up in the Gila Range of mountains. A wonderful place to stay; I hope to come back next winter. Now on to the year's travels.....will keep in touch and will see many of you I hope!!
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