Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello again dear friends! I've been hunkered down in Silver City, NM since last November; really loved the small town and great campground within walking distance of all the good restaurants and terrific art galleries. It's tucked away in the SW corner of the state which protects it from big tourist crowds and from severe weather. We got about 3 meager snows and only a couple weeks below freezing. It's also cooler in the summer, being up in the Gila Range of mountains. A wonderful place to stay; I hope to come back next winter. Now on to the year's travels.....will keep in touch and will see many of you I hope!!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,
    I received your comment on my blog, thanks. Who knows where the wind might blow me. Perhaps we will meet up, but for now enjoy the warm wheather. I am in The Tetons and have had snow here and in Yellowstone. That's not supposed to happen to a Florida guy. Talk soon.
