Friday, October 29, 2010


Monday, Aug2nd; left Seattle, driving East through Washington; the usually vacant plains of Eastern WA are now spotted with beautiful windmills. I love the huge white poles with 3 thin elongated arms turning slowly in the wind...they look stately and serene while providing energy. Passed on through Spokane and Coeur d"Alene,ID; not able to stop in my old work and home places this trip but sure look forward to spending time here again.
Stayed near St.Regis, MT for the night. Montana is so different from Idaho and is truly the place of BIG SKY and majestic, huge mountains.

Tues/Wed August3-4: Stayed in almost deserted Forest Service campground just North of Butte for $2.50 with my Senior Eagle Pass...only one other camper, very quiet and wooded.

Thursday, August 5th; Arrived at the Teddy Roosevelt National Park near Medora, ND. The park is wonderful with canyons and desert foliage, bison walking around the campground and so many birds singing. The little town of Medora has the "Cowboy Hall of Fame". It is a quaint little museum of the rodeos,cowboys,cowgirls and indians fame. Videos of bronc riders and Rodeo Queens....really a fun little display.

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