Friday, October 29, 2010

Sunday, August 8th; Minnesota at a campground near Jamestown, have not been in MN since I was 12 years old.

Monday, August 9th; Wisconsin Dells area at a private CG with all the fancy comforts, a pretty pool,grounds and even movies to rent. Watched "Crazy Heart", a great movie.

Tuesday, August 10-Thursday, August 12th; moved right on through Indiana and on to Ohio to meet my friend Martha for our birthdays at the Pier-Lon CG outside Medina, OH. We were comfortably parked for a week while I got a grand tour of the Amish country and the beautiful farms all around the central Ohio hills. Every little town is so lovingly preserved and the Amish set very high standards for the most pristine and prosperous farms in the USA!

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