Friday, October 29, 2010

Wed, September 1st; Took the Painted Rocks boat cruise at Munising. The formations and cliffs along the shore are spectacular. Had a "pastie" for the first's a folded crust with meat and potatoes inside, pretty much what many minors and workers have lived on for generatios and similar to other folded pies such as Calzones, chinese dumplings, crepes, swedish pancakes and piroges, I think.

Thursday, Sept2nd; Drove West to the farthest point on Lake Superior at Copper Harbor and stayed in the SP. By this time the weather is changing fast up North and I could not take the ferry to Isle Royale because they were predicting gale force winds and 10-12 foot waves on the lake by Sat. I did head out by saturday in cold, stormy rain.

Sarturday, Sept 4th; Made it to Boulder Lake FSCG near Menominee where it was slightly less stormy but still cloudy and chilly.

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